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Help > Link Web Applications Portal > Business Intelligence > Email Log >
Alert Email Log
Email Log  records emails and notifications sent from the system.
The below functionalities are available.

Steps to Create a "New Email"

  1. Click on the "Green Plus" sign.
  2. Enter the "Subject" of the email.
  3. Enter the "To, CC and BCC Addresses".
  4. Enter the "Body" of the email.
  5. Save. This will create a new entry in the Email Log.
  6. Status of the email will be "Ready". It will be updated to "Sent" once email has been successfully sent.
  7. Review "Event Log" if errors exist.

Steps to Delete a "Email"

  1. Click on the "Red Cross" to delete an entry.

Steps to Resend a "Email"

  1. Click on the "Pencil Icon" to edit an email entry.
  2. Tick the "CheckBox" for the email to resend.
  3. Click on the "Send Email" button to send email.


  1. SYS001 - Server process used to prepare alerts and complex computations. Used by all modules.Recommend: Active, run every minute.


  1. Configure the email settings in the web config file.
  2. Set "EnableScheduler" to "Yes" in the web config file.
  3. Set the "System Operating Mode" to "Live" in the configuration.

Figure 1 : Email Log